Tuesday Reviews Day: Night of the Dragon, Julie Kagawa

Do you know the feeling when you finish watching an intense action film or boxing match? That feeling of secondhand exhaustion and emotion, the mix of amazement and maybe a little sadness for the things that didn’t quite go how you wanted them to?

That’s how I feel after reading Night of the Dragon.

It’s shorter than the first two, but don’t let it fool you. This book is a marathon, not a sprint, and it will wring you out. I lost count of how many times I openly cried (at least three) though it isn’t all sadness and exhaustion. Like the books before it, Dragon has enough lightness to push back the dark, enough victory to make the struggle worth it.

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Tuesday Reviews Day: Shadow of the Fox, Julie Kagawa

Lately I’ve been feeling a little … convicted, I guess, about the massive number of unread books I have both on shelves and in boxes, tucked into random corners of my home. Considering that I don’t have anywhere to go right now, really, I figure I might as well start whittling down this TBR list into something a little more manageable. I picked up Julie Kagawa‘s Shadow of the Fox from a shelf in my library recently because I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately and I was ready for something imaginative. I had tried reading a book recently that seemed like it might have been similar to Shadow, but I really didn’t enjoy it, so I was a little nervous. Turns out that was unnecessary.

I’ve had it since October 2018, when I got it in an Owlcrate subscription box. I liked that sub pretty well; I haven’t done and probably won’t do a full-on review post of it, but mainly I cancelled because I just got tired of the bits and baubs that came with the books, though they do an amazing job at curation.

But now, on to the main feature: the review.
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